Title Agent License, Md Can You Skip The 2yr Real Estate Agent Requirement For A Broker License If You Were A Loan Processor For 5yrs?

Can you skip the 2yr real estate agent requirement for a broker license if you were a loan processor for 5yrs? - title agent license, md

Can I claim the 2-year real estate agent for the license of a broker if you have a loan processor 5 in California? Or another state? If you are on the website: http://www.dre.ca.gov/exm_broker_exper.html

Suffice it to say type acceptable equivalent experience
The applicant may benefit from two years of full time experience, gained in the five years immediately preceding the date of application for the examination of the broker in the following areas:

1.Experience as trustee officer or property or loan officer is directly related to the financing or transportation of goods.
2.Experience as it seems, contractor or speculative builder, in which the applicant has made full-time duties on the acquisition, financing, development and sale or lease of real estate.
3.Experience as a real estate appraisers.


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