Paddle Boat Blueprints If The Current Of The River Is 10 Miles Per Hour, What Is The Speed Of The Paddle Boat In Still Water?

If the current of the river is 10 miles per hour, what is the speed of the paddle boat in still water? - paddle boat blueprints

A boat ride is 60 miles upstream, at the same time to travel 140 miles downstream.


alpha said...

Either the speed of the boat is x miles per hour in calm water
Therefore, as the problem
60 / (x-10) = 140 / (x +10)
=> 3 / (x-10) = 7 / (x +10) [divide both sides by 20]
=> 7x-70 = 3x 30 [by the Cross-Multiplication]
=> 3x = 7x-30 70
=> 4x = 100
x = 25 Therefore the speed of the boat in calm water is 25 mph

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