Ships What Year Did Steam Ships Start Bringing Over Immigrants To US?

What year did steam ships start bringing over immigrants to US? - ships

When did you start with steamboats.
I know it's the end of 1800, but the exact year, please.


chrish said...


Passenger ships - 19 Century
In 1840, there are several lines of boats sailing in the cooperation between America and Europe, and ships have with accommodation for the three classes in which travelers have broken since the early days there. It is impossible to determine accurately the volume of travel today, slicers, do not always have complete data, but it was relatively easy, can be derived from the fact that it is expected to be concluded that large cabin top ten boats and cabin passengers zwanzig seconds. The ability to comply with eight hundred thousand, and was for some time along the lines of steamboats had been established before the immigrants came, not to the Clippers. In fact, ten years after the inauguration of the first line of steam in 1840, immigrants had no choice but to steam - the ships, the passengers, but no taxi.

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